16th ESLS RF Meeting
Barcelona, 9-10 October 2012.

This is the 16th meeting of the RF experts of the European Synchrotron Light Sources. It is a yearly meeting intended to share operation experiences, discuss the new developments in the field and it is also a forum to establish international collaborations in the field of RF for synchrotron light sources.
It will be held at the Maxwell Auditorium, ALBA facility -in Cerdanyola del Valles, Barcelona, Spain- the 9th and 10th of October 2012.
The sessions will start the Tuesday 9th in the morning until the Wednesday 10th early afternoon.
A visit to the ALBA accelerators is foreseen for the 9th in the afternoon.

In order to meet the conditions of the CELLS-ALBA safety regulations, we ask you to follow the next steps:
1) First day: You must identity yourself (ID card or Passport) at the control entrance.
2) At this moment, you will get a personal badge at the control entrance.
3) Enter / exit during workshop period: use the magnetic badge when passing through the security post.
4) Last day: When leaving, your last day, please return the personal badge at the control entrance


         Room booking deadline  
          15 September 2012